Software Components

Grassroots Economics Software Components

This is a non-exhaustive list and summary of software components written by Grassroots Economics.

Our Git repositories are hosted at:

Maintenance status description:

  • Active: The component is actively developed and maintained.
  • Security-only: The component has attained API stability, no more features will be added. Only security issues will be addressed.
  • Deprecated: This component is no longer maintained and has most likely been superseded by another component. Active in production but will soon become inactive.
  • Inactive: No longer in use by GE and only listed for historical purposed.


componentmaintainersupporttechmaintenance status (opens in a new tab)LumWill,Sohailreact/tsactive
storage-server (opens in a new tab)Sohail-goactive

Smart Contracts

componentmaintainersupporttechmaintenance status
erc20-demurrage-token (opens in a new tab)LouisSohailsolidity,pysecurity-only
eth-token-index (opens in a new tab)LouisSohailsolidity,pysecurity-only
eth-faucet (opens in a new tab)LouisSohailsolidity,pysecurity-only
cic-contracts (opens in a new tab)LouisSohailsolidity,pysecurity-only
eth-accounts-index (opens in a new tab)LouisSohailsolidity,pysecurity-only
eth-address-index (opens in a new tab)LouisSohailsolidity,pysecurity-only
eth-contract-registry (opens in a new tab)LouisSohailsolidity,pysecurity-only
erc20-transfer-authorization (opens in a new tab)LouisSohailsolidity, pysecurity-only
custodial-registration-proxy (opens in a new tab)Sohail-solidity, pysecurity-only
erc20-pool (opens in a new tab)LouisSohailsolidity, pysecurity-only
erc20-limiter (opens in a new tab)Louis-solidity, pysecurity-only
price-index-quoter (opens in a new tab)Sohail-solidity, rustsecurity-only


componentmaintainersupporttechmaintenance status
ge-publish (opens in a new tab)Sohail-goactive
chainlib-eth (opens in a new tab)LouisSohailpythondeprecated
celo-bootstrap (opens in a new tab)SohailLouisbashdeprecated

Custodial System

componentmaintainersupporttechmaintenance status
eth-custodial (opens in a new tab)Sohail-goactive
eth-tracker (opens in a new tab)Sohail-goactive
eth-indexer (opens in a new tab)Sohail-goactive
ramp-service (opens in a new tab)Sohail-goactive
ussd-data-service (opens in a new tab)Sohail-goactive
ussd (opens in a new tab)Alfred,CarlosLouisgo,go-viseactive
cic-graph (opens in a new tab)SohailPhilip,Lumsqlactive
cic-custodial (opens in a new tab)Sohail-godeprecated
cic-chain-events (opens in a new tab)Sohail-godeprecated
cic-ussd (opens in a new tab)Philip-nodejs/tsdeprecated
cic-notify (opens in a new tab)Sohail-godeprecated

Internal Libraries

componentmaintainersupporttechmaintenance status
ethutils (opens in a new tab)Sohail-goactive
fonbnk-go (opens in a new tab)Sohail-goactive
kotani-go (opens in a new tab)Sohail-goactive
celoutils (opens in a new tab)Sohail-godeprecated
w3-celo-patch (opens in a new tab)Sohail-godeprecated

External Libraries

  • The GE dev team actively contributes back to these code repositories
componentmaintainersupporttechmaintenance status
go-vise (opens in a new tab)Louis-goactive
w3 (opens in a new tab)Sohail-goactive
river (opens in a new tab)Sohail-goactive
locale (opens in a new tab)Sohail-goactive
africastalking (opens in a new tab)Sohail-goactive
chainlib-eth (opens in a new tab)LouisSohailpydeprecated
chainlib-eth (opens in a new tab)LouisSohailpydeprecated
chainlib (opens in a new tab)LouisSohailpydeprecated
asynq (opens in a new tab)Sohail-godeprecated


componentmaintainersupporttechmaintenance status
celo-node (opens in a new tab)Sohail-dockerdeprecated
cic-stack-publish (opens in a new tab)Sohail-dockerdeprecated

Educational Games

componentmaintainersupporttechmaintenance status
mycofig (opens in a new tab)Will-godotactive
vms (opens in a new tab)Will-pyactive